Because of the strength and popularity of online degrees, we wanted to find out just what the options arefor Christian students interested in distance education. There are numerous biblical studies and ministrydegrees online, most of which are provided by colleges with a particular religious affiliation. Someschools focus on one major, while others offer a whole host of degrees, concentrations, and minors inreligious subjects. The 25 Best Online Christian Ministry Degrees Ranking MethodologySelection Criteria. Tuition at Warner University is higher than at many other colleges onthis list, which is one of the reasons the college places 25th in the ranking. And yet, for nontraditionalstudents who can handle the cost, Warner probably has one of the best ministry degrees online. In fact,applicants are only eligible for the university's distance education programs if they are at least 23years of age or otherwise qualify as a 'working adult.'
But for those who do qualify, Warner offers aflexible and accelerated delivery format that allows students to complete two courses every eightweeks.Tuition: $20,712Score: 60.51 The King's University offers cheap online Christian ministry degrees,theological studies degrees, and biblical counseling degrees all in one place.24. The King's University Online Bachelor of Biblical and Theological Studies. The King'sUniversity offers a royal selection of affordable online theology degree programs for students with avariety of interests. On one end of this spectrum is the Bachelor of General Christian Studies, whichimparts a broad education in the Christian faith. The Bachelor of Biblical and Theological Studies isslightly more focused on biblical interpretation; you can even take Hebrew and Greek language classes oradd a concentration in Messianic Jewish Studies.
However, professionally minded undergrads may prefer theBachelor of Christian Ministry or the Bachelor of Biblical Counseling, both of which put a strong emphasison training for careers in the church.Tuition: $13,650Score:60.87 Its diverse list of concentration options makes this one of the topbachelor of biblical studies degrees online.23. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Online BA in Biblical Studies. If you're a Christianundergraduate who appreciates options, you'll also appreciate Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary'sonline degree programs. Choose a BA in Christian Ministry and select a second emphasis in either Divinityor Business. Or opt for the BA in Biblical Studies and decide between concentrations in Business,Counseling Psychology, Humanities, and Worship Ministries. Of course, you'll also appreciate the price, asfew schools offer such cheap ministry degrees online. Plus, you'll get to make all these choices throughMBTS's research-based OnlineYou system, which employs a proactive team of digital developers and uses thelatest technology and to maximize your online learning experience.Tuition:$6,925Score: 60.87 Not only can Barclay students earn one of the top ministry degreesonline, but they can also acquire a certificate in Friends Ministry Training.22.
Barclay College Online Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies. Online students at Barclay College can choose from two faith-based bachelor's degree programs: BiblicalStudies and Christian Ministry Leadership. The former option provides a general education in Christianliterature and teachings, with classes like 'Synoptic Gospels,' 'Writings of John,' and 'FriendsTheology.' In contrast, the latter option delivers more practical instruction for those who aspire to aleadership position in their church. Undergrads who pursue this accredited online Christian ministrydegree study 'Old Testament Models of Leadership,' 'Bible Evidences,' 'Techniques of Counseling,' and manyother career-oriented topics.
In addition, Barclay offers a handful of online certificates for those whowant to expand their repertoire of skills even further.Tuition: $15,990Score:61.23 Morthland students can earn a cheap ministry degree online by pairingthe biblical studies major with a track in ministry.21. Morthland College Online BA in Biblical Studies. Likemost schools on our ranking of top online theology degree programs, Morthland College's BA in BiblicalStudies primarily serves to 'deepen your knowledge of the Bible' while imparting 'practical knowledgeabout ministry.' But Morthland sees this program as an opportunity to enhance students' competency inother areas as well.
For example, all biblical studies majors must complete a senior thesis thatdemonstrates their ability to think critically, synthesize concepts, and clearly articulate their ideas.You'll even have the opportunity to study Greek and Hebrew so you can read religious texts in theiroriginal form.Tuition: $14,780Score: 61.96 While LBC isn't the most affordable online Christian college, itsaccelerated courses and hands-on learning requirements are well worth the cost.20. Lancaster Bible College Online BA in Biblical Studies. The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies at Lancaster Bible College stands out on this ranking for a fewreasons. Chief among these is its unusually customizable curriculum, which allots nearly 40 credits toopen elective courses.
This gives you the freedom to take any class you're interested in, or you canconcentrate them in another area of study (and in fact, biblical studies majors are required to select aminor). It also earns the program a reputation among transfer students as one of the best Bachelor ofBiblical Studies degrees online!Tuition: $21,500Score: 62.32Undergrads seeking a flexible, affordable online Christian ministrydegree may like DCC's BS in Practical Ministries and Bible.19. Dallas Christian College Online BS in Practical Ministries and Bible.
Dallas Christian College haspioneered a unique course delivery system that will redefine your standards for flexibility andaccessibility. Appropriately known as 'FLEXCampus,' this system grants students complete freedom overtheir learning experience. You can attend classes on campus, log in to online LIVE (in real time), orwatch a video recording later. And you don't have to pick just one; every week you can pick the methodthat's best for your schedule.
Currently, FLEXCampus offers a number of accredited online theology degreeprograms that combine Bible studies with another discipline. Examples include Business and Bible,Psychology and Bible, and Practical Ministries and Bible.Tuition: $17,454Score: 62.68 SAU is not an exclusively online Christian college, but its distanceeducation programs in religion and theology are still worth a close look.18. Southwestern Adventist University Online BA in Theology. Instead of Christianministry or Bible studies, Southwestern Adventist University offers a bachelor's degree is in theology.Due to this broader focus, the curriculum prepares majors for a wider range of career opportunities thanmany of the other programs on this list. Graduates may work in education, counseling, medicine,communication, or in the nonprofit sector. Even so, most students who earn this degree end up working aspastors for an Adventist conference. So if your goal is to one day lead a Seventh Day Adventistorganization, you'll likely agree that this is one of the best online theology degree programs.Tuition: $20,276Score: 64.49 Undergrads at HCU really only have two choices: earn an affordableBachelor of Biblical Studies degree online or on campus.17.
Heritage Christian University Online Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. AtHeritage Christian University, all undergraduates major in biblical studies. As such, the programprimarily attracts applicants who want to pursue a career in evangelistic ministry. The 128-hourcurriculum, which is available on campus and online, consists of five parts: general education, biblicaland theological studies, professional studies, field education, and concentration. Most noteworthy are thelast two categories, which will require you to gain substantial hands-on work in a ministerial setting anddeclare a career specialization.
Also, with HCU's affordable tuition rate (one of the lowest on thisranking), this is undoubtedly one of the best cheap Bachelor of Biblical Studies degrees online.Tuition: $9,792Score: 64.86 Although TFC boasts one of the top Bachelor of Biblical Studiesdegrees online, its program in Ministry Leadership is even more popular.16. Toccoa Falls College Online Biblical Studies Major. Biblical Studies majors at Toccoa Falls College explore Christian literature though both personal andprofessional lenses.
This means that they can use coursework to grow their own faith while also preparingfor a career in pastoral ministry or teaching. Because TFC also offers its Bachelor of Biblical Studiesdegree online, students from all over the country can reap the benefits of this program. And Toccoa Fallsensures that all its online courses maintain the same quality that you'd find in the classroom; it evenearned a ranking as the #3 best online college in Georgia!Tuition: $21,414Score: 66.3 For an online theology degree program that exams many differentreligions, JWU's BA in Ministry: Intercultural Studies is your best bet.15. John Wesley University Online Bachelor of Arts in Ministry. For anyone who wants aneducation steeped in Biblical principles, John Wesley University is one of the top online Christiancolleges in operation today. Most importantly, JWU requires all undergrads to earn two majors: one intheir chosen field, and the other in Bible studies. And yet, the university only offers two otherbachelor's degree options - a BA in Management and a BA in Ministry.
This means that most studentsget a double-dose of religious education. Both of these programs are available online, and the Christianministry curriculum even offers six concentration options.Tuition: $11,230Score: 66.67 In addition to its BS in Christian Ministries, this accredited onlineChristian college offers a number of other career-oriented, web-based degrees.14. Point University Online Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries. PointUniversity's Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries provides an opportunity for students to 'developtheir spiritual gifts, strengthen their faith, and enhance their knowledge of Christian principles.'
Assuch, it's ideal for anyone who wants to learn more about church doctrine. However, the curriculum alsoincludes practical courses like 'Introduction to Preaching' and 'Administration and Leadership inMinistry,' making it an equally ideal option for aspiring pastors, worship leaders, and churchadministrators. Undergrads and adult learners can also pursue this affordable ministry degree online. Inthe web-based program, CM majors utilize asynchronous learning and progress through the coursework attheir own pace.Tuition: $19,200Score: 68.12 Students who enroll in NGU's Christian ministry degree online canchoose from four concentrations, including Theology and Biblical Studies.13. North Greenville University Online Bachelor's Degree in Christian Ministries. Whether youultimately want to attend seminary school or you just want to understand more about the Christian faith,North Greenville University has a program for you.
In fact, NGU's Christian Ministries major can help youaccomplish both those goals by 'providing a solid foundation of orthodox theology and practicalapplication to daily life and ministry.' Offered through the College of Adult Professional Studies (CAPS),this top online Christian Ministry degree puts a strong emphasis on real-world experience. This includestwo ministry practicums, which you can complete with your local church or a religious or nonprofitorganization.Tuition: $17,594Score: 69.2 Adult learners at CBC can graduate faster by applying Prior LearningAssessment (PLA) credits to their online Christian Ministry degree.12. Central Baptist College Online BS in Leadership and Ministry. Central Baptist College has developed a special division known asPACE, or 'Professional Adult College Education' to address the needs of its nontraditional students.Through PACE, regular CBC professors as well as experienced career professionals teach courses inpractical subjects like business, information systems, and psychology. PACE also offers a BS in Leadershipand Ministry. Individuals who sign up for this accredited ministry degree online learn about basictheological and biblical teachings but also take career-oriented classes like 'Principles of Management'and 'Expository Preaching.'
Or if that program isn't quite your speed, you might prefer CBC's new onlineBS in Church Administration.Tuition: $15,000Score: 70.29 Lee University's affordable online theology degree program provides abroad overview of the Bible, Christian ethics, and church history.11. Lee University Online BA/BS in Bible and Theology.
Thanksto its Division of Adult Learning (DAL), Lee University is one of the best online Christian colleges fornontraditional students. Through the DAL, busy professionals, parents, and other adult learners can accessa flexible learning experience that won't disrupt their daily schedules. DAL students can take onlineclasses, of course, but they can also participate in 7-week hybrid intensives, which combine acceleratedonline lessons with onsite weekend sessions. A BA/BS degree in Bible and Theology is available through theDAL, as well as programs in Christian Studies and Ministry Leadership.Tuition:$15,770Score: 75.72 Trinity lets students offset the cost of its top online theologydegree program with a generous tuition waiver.10.
Trinity Bible College Online Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. Although Trinity Bible College offers just one distance education degree, it's flexible enough toaccommodate quite a few career goals. For example, if you'd like to pursue a career in the ministry, youmight want to pair your accredited Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree online with a minor in ChurchMinistries.
If you earn the degree by itself, you can customize it to your interests by selecting three(or more) electives in various theological areas. And if cost is an issue, Trinity offers a unique andgenerous tuition waiver: The school provides cost reductions of up to $100 per credit to students whodemonstrate financial need.Tuition: $15,912Score: 77.54 Earning a top ministry degree online from MACU prepares graduates fora lifetime of learning.9. Mid-Atlantic Christian University Online Biblical Studies Major.
Mid-Atlantic Christian University wants to combat a trend it's noticedin other top online Christian colleges: a reduced focus on required Bible-theology courses. Instead, MACUrequires extensive study in this field, and it's proud to produce graduates who are ready to becomeChristian leaders.
As you pursue a major in Biblical Studies, you'll learn how to both develop yourpersonal spirituality and how to be an effective and persuasive evangelist in your community. And thanksto that focus on theology, you'll develop a love of learning that MACU hopes will carry over into yourfuture career in the ministry.Tuition: $13,600Score: 79.71 Thanks to a required internship, Johnson University is one of the bestonline Christian colleges for students who appreciate hands-on learning.8. Johnson University Online BA/BS in Ministry Leadership. Tennessee-based Johnson University differentiates itself from thecompetition with its fieldwork-based degree in ministry leadership. The school's cheap online Christianministry degree (which is available as both a BA and a BS) incorporates a unique three-credit internship,where students serve under a mentor in their community.
The internship requires a weekly commitment ofseven to eight hours and gives you the chance to observe the nuts and bolts of ministry work. At itsconclusion, you'll have an opportunity to reflect on the experience and determine whether you'd like topursue a similar career path.Tuition: $13,950Score: 79.71 As you pursue an affordable bachelor of biblical studies degree onlinefrom the Moody Bible Institute, you'll create a portfolio for potential employers.7.
Moody Bible Institute Online Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies. For students seeking a pragmatic and affordable online theology degreeprogram, the Moody Bible Institute's BS in Biblical Studies is a strong option. That's because the programis eminently career-minded: graduates leave with a strong portfolio of all their best work, ensuring theyhave a ready-made demonstration of their personal 'ministry brand' to show potential employers. Inaddition, you'll have an opportunity to create 'action plans' and practice tailoring your message tospecific audiences. But that doesn't mean you have to give up your personal beliefs and values. In fact,other elements of the program will help you develop an individual strategy for enriching your ownspiritual life.Tuition: $12,630Score: 80.43 Calvary's accredited online Christian ministry degrees pair a major inthe Bible with a number of other professional programs.6.
Calvary University Online Bachelor's Degree in Bible and Theology. An online theology degree fromCalvary University provides students with the necessary education for ministry roles and for furtherbiblical studies. It offers the flexibility of online learning with the rigor of a solid theology degree.Students take courses such as developing a biblical worldview, survey of physical science lab, and surveyof biological science lab. Students must complete a total of 126 credit hours before they can graduate:three hours in the ministry core, 33 hours in the major, one class in either Biblical communication orexpository preaching, three credits in great Christian thinkers, 16 hours of electives, and 23 more hoursin 'open' electives.Score: 82.25 Piedmont has one of the best ministry degrees online for current andaspiring ministers who want to specialize in a specific form of preaching.5.
Piedmont International University Online BA in Bible Studies. Louis Christian College created its Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry with a very specificgoal in mind. Catering to the needs of students who aspire to 'a traditional vocational ministryposition,' the degree prepares majors to 'conduct bi-vocational ministries' in their professional lives.Therefore, the curriculum splits coursework almost evenly between required bible/theology credits and'professional education' credits. This kind of balance and flexibility in the coursework makes this one ofthe best online theology programs for transfer students as well as a practical choice for a variety ofcareers.Tuition: $11,240Score: 88.77 Between its large selection of degree programs and multiple ways tosave on tuition, SAGU is one the top accredited online Christian colleges.3. Southwestern Assemblies of God University Online Bachelor's Degree in Bible and Theology. Southwestern Assemblies of God University may just be the largest provider of accredited online theologyprograms in the US - at least when it comes to the number of degrees it offers.
Undergraduatestudents attending SAGU online can major in Bible and Theology, Biblical Studies, Theological Studies,Pastoral Leadership, or one of the several sub-types of Christian ministry. The university even offers aseparate Intercultural Studies program specifically for those who want to work overseas as missionaries.And with its generous credit-for-experience policy and sizeable tuition grants, SAGU makes it moreaffordable than ever to train for a career in the church.Tuition: $19,560Score: 90.58 This cheap Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree online program offersthree minors, including one in Biblical Counseling.2. Luther Rice University and Seminary Online BA in Religion: Biblical Studies. If you can't decide between earning a Bachelor of Biblical Studiesdegree online or a degree in Christian Ministry, Luther Rice University can help. The school's 100% onlineprogram features a hybrid curriculum that combines a broad overview of religion with core coursework inbiblical studies and one of three approved minors.
Each minor provides training in a slightly differentfaith-based discipline. For example, the Christian Worldview track imparts general skills related to'advancing the Christian faith,' while the Ministry track offers more specific preparation for servingyour local church.Tuition: $6,800Score: 93.12 For a convenient and affordable ministry degree online, check out TheBaptist College of Florida.1. The Baptist College of Florida Online BA in Christian Studies. Nearly half of the undergraduate programs available at The BaptistCollege of Florida are religious in nature. Whether its biblical or Christian studies, ministry ormissions, worship leadership or Christian education, BCF covers nearly the entire range of theologicaltopics. On top of that, all of the school's bachelor's degrees are available in an online format.And if you happen to live in Florida, you can also take classes at one of the college's satellite campusesin Jacksonville, Orlando, and Panama City.
Along with high-quality curricula and an ultra-low tuitionrate, it's not hard to figure out how BCF made it to the top of this online Christian ministry degreesranking.Tuition: $10,800Score: 100.
Distance learning programs are an effective option for students who are juggling personal and professional responsibilities. In most cases, classes are asynchronous, meaning that students can download and view course requirements at their convenience. While some disciplines require interaction with instructors, peers and others, students of online Bible and clergy schools frequently schedule phone and Skype appointments on their own time. On the occasion that students need to participate in real-time observation and interaction, they can work with churches and other organizations to set up visits. In addition to the telephone and Skype, many online Bible study schools use online discussion boards and content management systems, such as Blackboard. Additional technologies may include Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Connect, which allow students to view lectures and communicate with instructors.
In addition, Bible study and clergy degree programs often require numerous reading and reflection assignments. The organization of an online program allows students extra time and flexibility to complete their readings and studies. To be considered for this ranking, schools were required to meet the following criteria:. Accredited at the institutional level. Private nonprofit or public school.
Minimum of 1 online bachelor’s or master’s degree in subject areaSchools were then scored on factors such as:. Cost & Financial Aid. Number and variety of program offerings. Student-teacher ratios. Graduation rates. Placement and support services offered. Academic/Career counseling services.
Employment services. Loan default ratesThese factors were assembled for each school and rated using a peer-based-value (PBV) calculation. PBV compares the cost of a program to the cost of other programs with the same (or similar) qualitative score and cost. PBV denotes the overall value or 'bang for your buck' of a college or degree program. Read moreVirginia Baptist College is a Christian school located in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Bible focused minors are in music, church office management and youth ministries.
Adults who feel called to serve in ministry at the local church and vocational ministry levels can enroll in the Bachelor of Ministry program. Bible is one of the concentrations in the program.
Church ministries, pastoral studies and church business are other concentrations. Graduate Bible studies are delivered through the Master of Ministry, the Master of Biblical Studies and the Master of Christian Education programs. These are online degree programs that take four to five years to complete.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes2NetPrice. Read moreClarks Summit University specializes in undergraduate and graduate seminary instruction. Many of the programs are fully online. Flexible schedules make it easier for working adults to take the classes. Educational material is delivered via lectures, reading materials, research and class discussions that are pushed out via the university's website.
Course curriculums generally cover areas like the New Testament, multicultural church planting and theology. If students enroll in the Master of Divinity, they must complete a one year internship before they graduate. The Master of Theology requires the completion of a 12 week residency.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes3NetPrice. Read moreHeritage Christian University is committed to preparing students to serve God in the field and in the church. Instructors at the school have been educating adults for more than 40 years. The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies is a 128 hour degree program where courses like psychology, the New Testament, the Torah, elementary Greek and ministry in the local church are taught. Students enrolled in the Master of Divinity program do so through the Ezell Institute of Biblical Research.
Focus of the Master of Arts and the Master of Science programs are Christian scriptures, languages, theology and biblical texts. It takes approximately 36 hours to graduate with a master's degree.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes4NetPrice. Read morePiedmont International University is a faith based postsecondary school that awards undergraduate and graduate degrees in biblical studies.
The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry degree has a double minor. It also offers an accelerated bachelor's and master's option. Key areas of the 130 hour degree include general ministry, biblical languages, church education and counseling. At Piedmont International University, the Master of Arts in Biblical Apologetics and the Master of Ministry degrees are taught entirely online.
Students can also participate in Project Jerusalem initiatives and help establish churches in urban communities.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience No5NetPrice. Read moreLakewood, Colorado is home to Colorado Christian University. Founded in 1914, the university is based in grace and truth.
More than 6,000 students attend the school. Among the school's 50 majors and minors are the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. Classes are taught in subjects like theology, social service, missions and the Gospels. The bachelor's degree is a 120 credit hour program, while the master's degree is a 39 credit hour program. Residencies are completed at the school's Lakewood campus.
Both on campus and distance education options can be selected.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes6NetPrice. Read moreMoody Bible Institute is widely known for its biblical training programs. At the undergraduate level, the institute confers a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies. Up to 75 credits from other accredited schools can be transferred into the 121 credit hour program. Outcomes of the program are to prepare students to understand and teach the bible and to serve in various communities. At the graduate level, Moody Bible Institute awards master's degrees in applied biblical studies and biblical exposition.
The master's biblical studies program teaches about the bible. The biblical exposition program prepares students to preach.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience No7NetPrice.
Read moreBelhaven University's Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies program equips students to understand the bible. Aim of the curriculum is also to prepare students for Christian service.
Research and current readings about the bible are covered early in the curriculum. Specific course descriptions concentrate on topics like Old Testament and New Testament history, biblical interpretation and the life and teachings of Jesus. In addition to being taught online, the bachelor's biblical studies curriculum is taught at the university's Houston campus. After graduating from the program, adults can work as youth ministers, pastors, counselors, missionaries or teachers.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes8NetPrice. Read moreClasses in biblical studies at the Manhattan Christian College run on an eight week schedule.
Each class requires a 14 to 15 hour commitment on a weekly basis. Students enrolled in online options generally only have to log into class at set times to participate in scheduled class discussions. The college operates on a semester schedule. It is possible to transfer credits earned at another school into the degree programs. Traditional and dual degrees awarded at the college are the Bachelor of Science in Bible and Leadership, the Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Leadership and the Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Leadership.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes9NetPrice. Read moreOn campus and virtual forms of instruction are delivered at Grace School of Theology.
Aim of each degree at the school is to prepare adults to deliver biblical lessons and truths to the world. Schedules are flexible to allow adults with busy lives the chance to obtain biblical studies degrees. The undergraduate degree is the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. Post-baccalaureate degrees are the Master of Ministry, Master of Theology and the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. Students should expect to complete 60 hours in the master's program and 120 hours in the bachelor's program.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience No10NetPrice.
Read moreFellowships, mission trips and bible related recreational activities are hosted by Summit Christian College. When the school was founded in 1951, it was called Platte Valley Bible College.
It took on its current name in 2005. Bible majors can earn a Bachelor of Arts in Bible Studies or a Bachelor of Science in Bible Studies.
Both degrees require a minimum of 128 credit hours. It takes about four years to complete all of the classes. Students are encouraged to participate in Individual meditations, ministry opportunities and group devotions.Additional Benefits:Placement Services YesCounseling Services YesCredit for Experience Yes11NetPrice. To be considered for this ranking, schools were required to meet the following criteria:. Accredited at the institutional level. Private nonprofit or public school.
Minimum of 1 online bachelor’s or master’s degree in subject areaSchools were then scored on factors such as:. Cost & Financial Aid. Number and variety of program offerings. Student-teacher ratios. Graduation rates. Placement and support services offered.
Academic/Career counseling services. Employment services. Loan default ratesThese factors were assembled for each school and rated using a peer-based-value (PBV) calculation. PBV compares the cost of a program to the cost of other programs with the same (or similar) qualitative score and cost. PBV denotes the overall value or 'bang for your buck' of a college or degree program.
Many denominations require clergy members to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in theology or a closely related area. An associate degree can provide a background in church history, missions, evangelism and how to live according to Biblical principles.
In a bachelor’s program, students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Bible and biblical languages. Graduates have a deeper comprehension of scriptures and the will and purpose of God for the individual. Students pursuing graduate degrees examine spirituality and historical studies of religions, and learn how to lead others on their journey with God.
During an online Bible degree program, students typically explore biblical applications in ministry, frameworks for Christian service, specific scriptures and pastoral counseling. Examples of courses may include the history of Christianity, Israel’s early history, psychology, spiritual formation, studying the Bible, Pauline literature, theology, biblical studies and Christine doctrine. Cross training is provided through general education and elective courses, such as research writing, oral communication and philosophy. Some online programs require students to complete apprenticeships or mentoring before graduating. Combined with specialized programs, such as Christian counseling or pastoral ministry, many online clergy degree programs could be used to prepare students to sit for ministry licensing exams. What has been the biggest benefit of distance learning at your college?The biggest benefit for me is being able to attend a Christian college and not have to depend on anyone to get me there. I am a disabled veteran and unable to drive due to low vision and other health issues.
It’s a very unpredictable lifestyle, as I never know when my health will dictate the course of any given day. It also gives me a sense of independence, which is something I am often unable to experience. I feel grateful to have the opportunity to receive the same degree as someone who attends on campus. I feel blessed that I am able to develop meaningful relationships from the comforts of my home.
What role has technology played in your online program and courses?It amazes me how group projects are pulled together with the many forums available to communicate, such as Skype. From textbooks to dictionaries, journals to encyclopedias, and Word documents to Power Points, it is all just a click away, and lectures can be viewed several times. With phone apps and wireless Internet, I am able to take my work everywhere I go, such as doctor visits or trips to the VA. Graduating high school in the 90s, when “technology” meant typewriter, I have found modern technology to be very beneficial. How does your online program help prepare you for a career after graduation?With the help of my advisor, I am able to take classes that will fulfill the requirements for my degree while also being useful in my ministry after I graduate. My online program has been helpful in developing my career path by suggesting electives that might otherwise be career-specific, which encourages me to keep an open mind and trust in God’s will for me. The online program also provides information regarding employment opportunities.
An associate degree in Bible study and clergy can provide servant-leaders with a solid theological base, preparing them to lead, teach and minister a congregation. Many students complete the degree within two years, although part-time students may take longer to graduate. The first year of online Bible study school provides students with tools to master general education, biblical foundations and biblical doctrines. In the second year, students learn more about the history of the church as well as the reliability of the Bible. Below is a list of just a few possible courses in a Bible study or clergy associate degree program. Classifications of a bachelor’s degree in Bible study varies from school to school.
For example, some colleges grant Bachelor of Arts degrees, while others award Bachelor of Science degrees. However, the coursework and outcomes are fairly consistent. A bachelor’s degree in Bible study and clergy gives students a more advanced understanding of the church and its beliefs than two-year options in the same field. Full-time students can potentially complete the program in four years. This more in-depth, advanced curriculum of an online Bible study degree program includes some of the following classes.
A master’s degree in Bible study and clergy can prepare the graduate for a leadership role in a church or ministry program. Those who already hold a bachelor’s degree usually complete the program in two years. Several types of programs are available to meet various personal and professional goals. In general, students who want to continue their education with a doctorate degree choose to enter a research-based master’s program, while those looking to enter the workforce pick a non-thesis program that requires them to pass a comprehensive assessment to graduate. MASTER’S PROGRAM CORE COURSESOVERVIEWInterpretation of the Old TestamentStudents learn about the Pentateuch and Former Prophets as well as the history and cultural context of ancient Israel. PhD programs are similar to master’s programs in that doctorate students usually take a number of master’s classes to fulfill graduation requirements and can customize their curriculum to meet their individual goals and interests.
Those specializing in Christian education focus on the history and methodology of teaching religious studies, while others may concentrate on the more research-based track of religious history. The primary difference between master’s and doctorate programs is the amount and depth of research required for each class.